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The Day God made Green Sustainable

Writer's picture: John Teravskis (Mr. T)John Teravskis (Mr. T)
Then God said, “Let the land sprout with vegetation—every sort of seed-bearing plant, and trees that grow seed-bearing fruit. These seeds will then produce the kinds of plants and trees from which they came.” And that is what happened. The land produced vegetation—all sorts of seed-bearing plants, and trees with seed-bearing fruit. Their seeds produced plants and trees of the same kind. And God saw that it was good. And evening passed and morning came, marking the third day. Genesis 1:11-13

After separating the dry land from the water, God did what erosion control professionals know to be essential - He covered the bare soil with vegetation.

This week, we held one of my favorite classes at work. The event, called BMP Roundup, is where we provide hands-on instruction about erosion and sediment control to professionals in the construction and engineering fields. Our classroom is a simulated construction site, which we call the Construction Sandbox, that we use to demonstrate how different best management practices (BMPs) are installed, inspected, and maintained. A highlight of these classes is when the hydroseed is applied to areas of soil disturbance. The greenish-blue mixture contains wood, paper, or straw fiber, natural glues, fertilizer, and, most importantly, seed. This is because the best way to control erosion is to cover the ground with plants. Leaves block raindrops from hitting the bare soil; and the roots lock in the soil particles. Essentially, that is what God did on the second half of the third day of Creation Week. But, He didn't need a giant hydroseeder to accomplish it. Like the rest of creation, He spoke the vegetation into existence.

The Genesis account indicates God's creative work was not limited to just covering the earth with vegetation once. Since these plants would be used for food, fuel, and shelter by the living creatures that would be created in the next few days, He made this new creative work sustainable, by giving it the ability to self-propagate by seeds.

Seeds are no less fascinating than other parts of God's Creation. They come in all sizes and shapes, ranging in size from the tiny orchid seed, which is the size of a speck of dust, to a large coconut (the seed of a palm tree). The seed is designed to be able to wait until just the right time and conditions to germinate and start the new plant. Most seeds were designed with three parts. The outer durable seed coat is what allows the seed to survive harsh climates until conditions are optimal. For most seeds, water will crack the seed coat, but for some species of seed dry heat, fire, acid, or other chemicals are needed. God also designed seeds with the ability to be dispersed. Some fly with the wind, others float on water, birds disperse some, and others stick to fur and clothing. There are also seed pods which explode and project seeds quite some distance. God placed within seeds two other essential elements. The smaller of the two is referred to as the germ, radicle, or embryo of the new plant. The majority of the seed mass is the cotyledon, which will become the first leaves of the new plant and contain an energy reserve needed to keep the young germinating plant alive until its leaves form and photosynthesis begins. Often the first leaves formed from the cotyledon are different in size and shape than the leaves of the mature plant.

Even in this third day of creation, we can learn something about the Creator. His design is all about sustainability. With incredible wisdom and ingenuity, God created plant seeds with the ability to be preserved, transported, and planted so that his Day 3 work would continue for thousands of years. We can also see how the Creator is a great provider in that the vegetation, fruit, and seeds will meet the needs of the other soon to be created living creatures. The green that covered the earth on the end of Day 3 did far more than control erosion, it set up a marvelous sustainable green home for the crown of His creation - mankind.


This month, the Creation Club had some hands-on learning about seeds and vegetation. The club members planted a corn field. We hope to harvest it during our August club meeting.

And a week later God's sustainable creative work continues ...

More updates to come on the Creation Club corn field.

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John Teravskis (Mr. T)

T: 209-649-0877


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