Two things I love to talk about and study are God’s Word and His creation. Sadly I am seeing that many schools (public and Christian) are not adequately teaching either to our kids. Statistics show that more than 80% of children raised in a Christian home will leave their faith when they go to college. Many times this is because they are hearing new convincing information from a professor that they are not prepared to refute because they don’t have a Biblical world view and they don’t have a good understanding of the Bible or science. The purpose of this club is to give this understanding to the kids... and to have fun!
For Creation Club's fourth year, we are going back to the original theme - The Six Days of Creation. Each club meeting will look at one of the days of the Genesis 1 Creation Week and will highlight one or more aspects of God's handiwork performed on that day.

Club meetings will now start at 3:30 PM and will usually be held at Mr. T's office. (We have pushed back the starting time by a half hour to help parents to bring their children from school.) From time to time, club meetings will be held at an alternate location or an alternate time. For example, the August meeting will happen during the Perseid Meteor Shower and, as we have done in past years, we will most likely invite our club members to our farm for an evening of meteorite watching. To stay current on meeting locations and date changes, sign up to be on the Creation Club email list by clicking here. You can also request to join the Creation Club Facebook group page.
Creation Club is designed for elementary aged children, but anyone who is interested in learning about the Bible and science is invited. As always Moms and Dads (and grandparents) are welcomed to join us for the Club Meetings.

The following are the proposed 2023 club meeting dates, but are subject to change. There will be no meetings held in February or June.
2023 Dates
January 27 (New Date) (Day 1 - Light & Darkness)
February (no club meeting) March 17 (Day 2 - Weather) April 21 (Day 3 Part 1 - Geology)
May 19 (Day 3 Part 2 - Plants) June (no club meeting) July 21 (Day 4 Part 1 - Sun & Moon) August 11 (Day 4 Part 2 - Stars) September 15 (Day 5 Part 1 - Birds) October 20 (Day 5 Part 2 - Fish) November 17 (Day 6 Part 1 - Animals) December 8 (Day 6 Part 2 - Humans)
Club members can purchase Creation Club t-shirts on the Faith & Science Intersect website. They are not mandatory, but a lot of fun to wear!

I look forward to having you and your children in our 2023 Creation Club Meetings. For more information, please contact me at .
--- Mr. T